Happy Father's Day! Heidi's wonderful daddy also celebrated his birthday! Well Chris got more than he wanted for his birthday/Father's Day - he got his projector, screen, surround sound, special remote whole entertainment extravaganza for the basement. He is so proud of it and even right now the chair I'm sitting in is vibrating from the gun fire of Call of Duty... a happy husband, makes a happy wife - I swear that saying is suppose to be different... :) 

And yes the screen is taller than me... kind of ridiculous...
Since he already got everything he wanted and more, we went the route of making something for him from Heidi... why not put her in the tub, give her finger paints and a canvas and see what kind of masterpiece is created... he loves it and Heidi loved making it!
Chris opening presents at my mom's house - of course he got new Jockey underwear - we count on it! This pair had tiny snails on it!
Heidi playing...
Since it was also Father's Day - we took the tour of the parents and had a great day!
Grandpa D - Thanks for the delicious breakfast!
Grandpa Gonzales - Heidi learned to go up and down stairs there today!
Grandpa Hefe (note: we used brownies to get Heidi to look at the camera - hey whatever works!)
Happy Birthday to Chris and a Happy Father's Day to everyone!