First was Friday night - Grandma Babs and Grandpa D treated us to a nice dinner at the Garden of Olives (Olive Garden) then we proceeded to celebrate Easter with a hunt in our basement. I don't have that many pictures because they all were blurry - the kids moved WAY too FAST! - we were at first nervous that Blake would find all the eggs before the two little ones - but that was NOT the case... the determination and effort those kids put into picking up eggs - was CRAZY! They found all 78 eggs within minutes!
Do I ever have a normal picture of Matt?
As the night went on, we decided to put on every one's new PJs and run around - it was quite fun!
Saturday we decided to go to Lake Zorinski to have Heidi play on the playground a little bit - one mental note - Heidi is like me and takes awhile to wake up from her nap - she wasn't into playing for at least the first 45 minutes there...but then she warmed up and had her fun!
After some sushi for dinner - by the way - fans of Baby Blue - they re-did their Happy Hour menu - their new edamame hummus is AMAZING!!! Even Heidi loved it! This was playing in the field behind Baby Blue...
Easter Sunday - Heidi woke up to her first memorable Easter basket - notice Brewski is up ready for the festivities - but Taco decided to stay in bed... yes that lump is Taco...
Here are Heidi's Easter shoes - and she HATES them... I finally had to bribe her to wear them with M&Ms... by the afternoon it was a hopeless cause - next time - I'll let her pick her own shoes! :)
We tried to go to Easter Mass - our church has 10,000 members and I think 9,997 tried to go to the same service we wanted to go to. We were even 45 minutes early and couldn't get within two blocks of the church - so we made a quick call to Matt and Christina and ended up meeting them at good ole Presbyterian Church of the Cross - my old stomping ground. I forgot how awesome the choir and music are - the kids were great and after a cookie in Fellowship Hall we headed to Grandma Hefe (Papa) and Nanas house. They all went on another Easter Egg hunt and had a blast.
The girls then decided to play some music - which was sooo cute - until Heidi wanted to shove Kendall off and she got in trouble...
It was so nice out we spent the rest of the morning outside - where Matt proceeded to break Blake's favorite Easter toy - but Uncle Chris came to the rescue and fixed it a little while later...
Heidi was worn out after that - but we needed her to stay awake in the car so we could get her down for a good nap at home - any parent will know - if the kid falls asleep in the car - many times - won't sleep a normal nap time and then there is Hell to PAY! So our duty as parents from my dad's house to our own was to keep Heidi awake - this involved - me asking really loud obnoxious questions, clapping, rolling down windows and more...Heidi wasn't amused - BUT it did work - she got home awake and ended up sleeping for 2 and 1/2 hours... :)

The final stop was Chris' family and we decided to have the Easter egg hunt outside - once again Heidi did a great job finding everything - she got a little over excited coming out of the gate - I didn't mean to catch the falling picture - but I just happen to - she got right back up - shook it off and went on to collecting eggs - it wasn't until later when we realized she skinned her knee! We also let Heidi dive into the candy at their house - which she was ever so grateful!

A great Easter weekend! Now that its getting nice - Heidi wants to be outside all the time... So more pictures to come!