What a Christmas! We had a plan for my dad and Bev to come visit - but lots of hoops were needed! We didn't go to volleyball, my dad and Bev stayed away from family and we all got COVID tests - even Heidi (we skipped Lucy). After a lot of effort and as safe as we could make it - they took the long haul drive and made it up here! They packed food in the car and only stopped to use the restroom as quickly and safely as possible. We were beyond excited to see family and were so happy we could make it work! Because of all the hoops and safety protocols - we are only having one set of family members for the holiday season. The biggest factor is isolating from family and practices etc for the long period of time. We wouldn't be able to have back to back visitors and it wasn't fair to have other family members stay away from each other during the holidays. We will work out when we can get others up here or ideally when we can come to Omaha! The weather also confirmed only one set could come as I believe Omaha is getting hit now and we plan to get snow starting tomorrow!
We miss everyone deeply and can't wait until we can travel more easily!
Everyone was excited to have some other people around! Remy just loves people and just wanted to be all in their stuff all the time - ha!
We had a couple of days until Christmas - the elf ended with with a bang - bigger decorations and fun!
Lucy played a lot with Nana and Nana was a good sport.
Lots of games...
Chris cooked as much as he could. We only picked up food twice, so it was a lot of cooking!
On the elf's last day - she brought some outfits for the family!
Our Christmas dog...
We were able to Zoom with Bob and Lauren to open up some gifts...
Christmas finally ARRIVED!
AND we had a WHITE Christmas too! It snowed quite a bit. I believe at one point we measured 8 inches.
Small break before diving into the big tree!
So many presents!
Dance break...
Lucy got a bluetooth speaker with a microphone - whoops - it is LOUD!
Lucy modeling some new clothes and accessories
More meat!
The chaos of Christmas - everyone tired ...
Santa brought us VR (virtual reality) and the girls LOVE it. It is funny to watch and now has become normal for someone to be playing VR while we are all watching TV or something.
More games...
Grandpa helping Heidi hang up a Christmas gift.
It felt like a normal Christmas. We didn't go out to eat and we didn't go to any museums or bowling but honestly, besides that, it felt normal. We played a ton of games, we ate a lot of food and we baked a lot of cookies. It was fun.
And just like that, dad and Bev needed to head back to avoid bad weather coming. We were so grateful it worked out and so far, no sickness or anything. I believe we did it safe. Now we will finish the rest of Christmas break and relax at home with all the new presents.