Those pictures were from last week when Chris was using the play pens to handle all members of our family - ha!
Remy and Rizzo are very cute together - they do play A LOT - but they mainly snuggle together.
It was bath time for both and they did quite well in the shower. They smelled good for about 30 minutes before they smelled like dog again.
Some of these pictures are from Chris - so we get a little mixed up and out of order. Chris bought yet another game for the basement - a Mortal Combat legacy package - it has of course several mortal combats, which I'm amazing at by the way and angers Chris how good I am...hehe, but it also has things like Paperboy, Tapper, Gauntlet etc etc. So much fun. We have a couple more units to add to Chris' arcade and we should be good. We are also going to build a small platform. The games are supposed to be 3/4 size and they work perfectly for the girls and myself. They are a little short for Chris, so we are going to raise them up 3 or 4 inches.
I mean...cute right?
I can't handle their snuggles sometimes...
Rizzo has discovered daddy's belly.
Oh it snowed for a few days last week - why Ohio?
Lucy went to the dentist and she did great. She does have a small cavity we have to fill. We have been warned she has super deep grooves in her teeth and we knew there is a higher risk of cavities. Considering we haven't been there is well over a year - one small one isn't too bad. Lucy is doing better at taking care of her teeth!

The tours of high schools have begun! We have seen St Joes (all girls), Elyria Catholic and Holy Name. This week is Mags (all girls). Heidi REALLY liked Holy Name - she said she felt like home there. As much as the all girl schools are extremely nice, Heidi just isn't 100% liking those. There is a good chance she goes to high school with no one from her school. Most of the parents I have spoken with are going to Elyria Catholic - it is the sister school to St Jude, so it makes sense. Heidi doesn't want her high school to just be a continuation of elementary school. She wants a change in scene. Chris was very impressed with Holy Name as well. He said it reminds him of Millard schools. It is located about 20 minutes away, which is everything in Cleveland and isn't bad to get to. We will see how it goes. Heidi takes the practice entrance examine on May 11th!
Lots of play time...
We all left and went shoe shopping together. I rigged up a larger area over non-carpet... They did great - they weren't thrilled when we left, but they did great!
Heidi has heels on - no she didn't grow 6 inches over night - ha!
Play play play
Oh by the way, Happy anniversary to us - 15 years... together for 19, known each other for about 26 years - crazy! We are celebrating this next weekend and going out to a nice dinner.
Lucy received some hand-me-down sunglasses from Heidi - she decided to pop out the lenses and make then FASHION!
And lastly, we took a walk yesterday and I came up with a way to make it easier to walk the boys. Rizzo isn't ready for a retractable leash yet and the short leash makes it all but impossible to walk the little guy - so I slipped the handle of his leash onto Remy's leash - so if Rizzo slowed down, the leash would run up Remy's and he wouldn't get dragged as well as then Rizzo could run along Remy no problem. It worked pretty well. He walked all the way to the stop sign - which is .6 miles, then I carried him for the next mile, he walked another .5, carried him for a bit and then he walked the rest of the way home!