Monday, March 17, 2025

Bowling Green State University (BGSU Visit!)

The time has begun for college visits! First - we lucked out and had a beautiful day on Friday. We finally decided to start taking down the Christmas lights - the snow finally melted and the temperature was above 30 degrees! 

But more importantly, we headed to Bowling Green for our first campus tour. From here, it is an easy drive. It takes about 1.5 hours and the interstate takes you about right there, which is nice. We had a presentation from admissions and then an almost 2-hour tour of everything. The girls had Friday off, so we all went!

I don't know what I thought of BGSU before our visit, but I was thoroughly impressed. So much was remodeled and just so so cool. The facilities were nice, the different food places were impressive and the overall vibe of the campus was seriously great. Students seemed happy and all nice. People going to work out - studying etc. Chris and I wanted to be back in college for sure. 

Most importantly, Heidi is really looking into doing forensics of some sort, with maybe a minor or emphasis in psychology. This school has several options in that arena, with her leaning towards criminology and forensics. 

Heidi said she could see herself there. Also, the town is a college/small-town vibe, which we really like. We have so many great schools in Ohio, but many are surrounded by large cities or just don't feel as quaint as what we just visited. Because of volleyball, we have been near or around other schools, but this was the first one with a true isolated campus with just college houses around and a few blocks to their small downtown. 

The school is considered mid-size - around 20K students, so it bigger than you think but not huge. 

We don't go to another tour until April, but we are starting off strong! We were just happy Heidi liked this place so much. We were afraid she wasn't going to enjoy it. 

Our tour guide was very nice. He maybe didn't have the same interests as us, but even with that, we still enjoyed the tour and he was able to answer most of our questions. 

One of the food halls - this was the all you care to eat place...

They have several different layouts of dorms. Some more traditional like this - with a shared floor bathroom and others with their own bathroom to share with a roommate. Of course, Heidi liked the more expensive version - ha

Oh to visit the large lecture rooms again...

They had a rec center (free to students) that was great! Huge pool, weight room floor, indoor tracks, a floor for all treadmills etc. Heidi loved it. 

They had these robots everywhere - delivering goods - mostly Starbucks, but they were funny. They would stop for you and just navigate their way to where ever they needed go. 

Lunch of champions - Taco Bell.

We will see how this college thing shakes out. Heidi's only concern so far - which is a funny one - was she doesn't love the colors orange and brown. ha. According to the tour guide - the Browns DID get their colors for BGSU supposedly.  

I believe the next one we tour is the other top school she is interested in - so I will be curious how it compares. She also sort of mentioned she wanted to be further away and we promised we wouldn't just pop in and we wouldn't expect her to come home often, if anything, we would say she couldn't. The other schools we plan to visit are more around 3 to 4 hours away. 

And ending with more random - Lucy and her friend had to build a car for a class. They handled everything all on their own and were very proud. 

We have our largest volleyball tournament this weekend in Indy - so short week for us! 

Monday, March 10, 2025

Back from Sweden

We all survived while Chris was in Sweden! Chris was gone a week and didn't really take many photos and neither did we. But here we go...

First, Heidi took ALL day to cut Noah's hair on Saturday. I never took a final picture but she did a nice job! It was pretty funny and he was a good sport through the whole thing.

Here is a random picture from Chris... I guess this is art in Sweden?

Chris brought home some fun snacks for the girls. 

When he got home, he had a little energy left to go to dinner with all of us. I think he was up for at least 24 hours at this point! He fell quickly alseep when we got home and slept in on Saturday too. 

Chris got lucky and was upgraded for his main return flight. He enjoyed the perks and his own space for sure!

We only started a fire once while Chris was away :) This is a rite of passage as Heidi did the same thing. Lucy put ramen noodles in the microwave to cook without water. Luckily we were able to put it out quickly and only had a stinky house for a day.

Remy is still getting his weekly soaks and I threw Rizzo in there too to bath him as he was getting stinky. He did not find it fun.

Heidi's volleyball pictures! 

And ending with the last two pictures from Chris of his hotel room. He said the bed was awful and was WAY too excited for our bed once home. 

This week we hope the weather continues to warm up and we can actually take down our Christmas lights as well as we have our first college tour on Friday! 

Monday, March 3, 2025

The Ladies


Chris is off and doing well in Sweden and the girls are holding down the fort. First, I found some cute group pictures from Lucy's dance - she has a big ole smile on!

I took fat dog into work and he did great!! He ran around and greeted everyone, played nicely with other dogs who were there and I think he can come back. I won't bring him every time as I do think Rizzo was sad at home even though he was with Chris. Rizzo barks too must and is too scared of big dogs to go to the office.  If I'm having to go into the office a little more, might as well bring the dog.

After dropping Chris off at the airport, we ran errands with the girls. It was a nice weekend, and hopefully this week goes quickly!