Well, we have returned from the depths of illness. Lucy, Chris, and I were down for the count and very very sick. Heidi has managed to avoid it, but even her high school was closed down due to illness. Lucy's school also shut down and Lucy didn't go to school for 7 days! We found out the families we were around had the Flu and COVID at the same time, which would explain why we got so sick, especially me. I also had my taste buds affected for a few days and was just wiped.
Besides a lingering cough, we all seem to be ok! Just in time to divide and conquer for the weekend events. I traveled with Heidi to Columbus for a volleyball tournament and Lucy and Chris stayed behind for a school dance.
Friday night we had a little team bonding event - where of course - I "iced" the coaches - aka gave them a smirnof ice that they had to chug. Just doing my duty to keep things lively. :)
Lucy and Chris had a lovely weekend - full of movies, food, and fun.
Heidi's volleyball team continues to limp along. It is hard when you are down 3 main players due to injury and there were really only 8 players to begin with. We have guest players from younger teams joining, but it's rough. It is still fun to watch Heidi play and she is having fun. She is killing it, especially with serving - lots of Aces (unreturnable serves) and lots of saves - BUT we have a lot of confusion on the court, people not knowing where they should be, and in general, not knowing what they are doing. Which is frustrating to Heidi, but she is trying to just roll with it and have fun.

The team didn't win and we got extra punished by being the last bracket to play - after the whole tournament was 1.5 hours behind. Our luck, a nasty snowstorm hit and we had a very long - stressful drive back to Cleveland. I had to drive with hazards following an Amazon truck on a single-lane back in the dark as it snowed and had a crosswind. Cars were on the side of the road or in the ditch and it was gross out. But we made it!
Heidi and I made the best of it and went shopping and ate what she wanted and overall had a good weekend.
A fellow mom adopted Lucy for the dance and she had fun getting ready with her!
The only bad incident was Friday night at the hotel - there was a very loud and trashy domestic dispute that took close to 2 hours to de-escalate at 2am. Luckily we were not playing right at 8am - so we could sleep in, but nothing like having to call 911 because two ladies were trying to ripe each other's hair off right outside your door. All of us parents put together the issue - we "believe" a guy and a girl had a hotel room and the man's other girl with a child showed up. Heidi looked through the peephole and saw the women fighting with the man trying to pull them apart and sadly a little naked child crying in the middle of it. I have never heard so many "F" words in my life. I think we won't let the coaches pick any more hotels for tournaments. :)
Lucy looked adorable for Valentine's Day at school but wouldn't pose for a picture!
And random... Remy finally figured out a way to get into the blanket basket - very cute.
This week it's work, school, and normal things and we have another tournament, closer to us, this weekend. Let's hope we all continue to get healthy and no more sickness! Also, I'm over winter.