We decided this year to wing it and it all worked out - well - first Chris got me flowers - awww so sweet and Heidi a little bear that Brewski truly believes it is his. Heidi gave daddy a card and a candy bar wrapped in a diaper...
I tried to make breakfast - ummm - things didn't go well - somehow I burned the pancakes, made greasy eggs and the sausage looked weird - so I ran to Gandolfos instead :)
Of course I bought a cute Valentine's Day outfit for Heidi - my favorite part was the heart on the butt - LOVE IT!
We spent our day going to the Children's Museum for the first time - what a neat place. Chris and I played with everything - Heidi just watched. She was able to play a little bit in the wiggle room - so we all had our fun.
Then Chris, Heidi and I went to Texas Road House at 3:30 - yes - we're old now - and we STILL had a 40 minute wait - crazyness!
The night ended with Heidi in bed and mom and dad rocking out to Rockband! Happy Valentine's Day!