Heidi and I are still sick in the Gonzales house. I was diagnosed with a sinus infection, upper respiratory infection and a sprinkle of bronchitis. Four different meds later – I should be finally well in 10 days… awwwww
Heidi has been under the weather for awhile now. It seems like she gets one thing after the other. Well Friday she developed a scratchy voice and we just thought her throat was finally giving up after all the drainage she has had. Turns out…um no – Heidi has Croup (sp?) – the worst is past. I guess its when their throats or voice boxes get swollen. It can lead to respiratory issues – which thank god Heidi hasn’t had any. I think the fact our house is naturally cool and we run a cold humidifier in her room – it saved it. The on top of that – she has a double ear infection. So in 10 days with her antibiotic, she should be back to normal too.
Oh and she is teething too! Two little teeth are poking through – when they come in completely – I will snap a picture!
We did her 9 month pictures with Christina yesterday, but she wasn’t in the most chipper mood – which we now know why. But being the awesome photographer that Christina is – we did catch a couple of good ones – I can’t wait to see the final ones!
So her 9 month appointment – we have a peanut on our hands! She is 26 ½ inches long and weighing in at 16 pounds 6 ounces. She is in the 12th percentile basically. She is just a wee one. Besides her sickness, she looks great. She cried through the whole appointment, she just doesn’t feel well. Once she turns around – I’ll try to snap some pictures of her – but right now – she ain’t in the mood!
Back to bed for both of of us...
Heidi has been under the weather for awhile now. It seems like she gets one thing after the other. Well Friday she developed a scratchy voice and we just thought her throat was finally giving up after all the drainage she has had. Turns out…um no – Heidi has Croup (sp?) – the worst is past. I guess its when their throats or voice boxes get swollen. It can lead to respiratory issues – which thank god Heidi hasn’t had any. I think the fact our house is naturally cool and we run a cold humidifier in her room – it saved it. The on top of that – she has a double ear infection. So in 10 days with her antibiotic, she should be back to normal too.
Oh and she is teething too! Two little teeth are poking through – when they come in completely – I will snap a picture!
We did her 9 month pictures with Christina yesterday, but she wasn’t in the most chipper mood – which we now know why. But being the awesome photographer that Christina is – we did catch a couple of good ones – I can’t wait to see the final ones!
So her 9 month appointment – we have a peanut on our hands! She is 26 ½ inches long and weighing in at 16 pounds 6 ounces. She is in the 12th percentile basically. She is just a wee one. Besides her sickness, she looks great. She cried through the whole appointment, she just doesn’t feel well. Once she turns around – I’ll try to snap some pictures of her – but right now – she ain’t in the mood!
Back to bed for both of of us...