Crazy. Hectic. Busy. Crazy. That is how I would describe the last week and then some. Here are some pictures from the last week...enjoy...side note: coming soon - basement photos!!! They have drywall up and plan to start sanding tomorrow! I have been taking pictures as they move along - the goal is all complete by Chris' birthday...keep your fingers crossed!
Mother's Day
I had a very nice mother's day. Chris got up with Heidi and cooked breakfast. I had to giggle at the outfit he picked out - it was a more dressy top with some sweatpants, but hey at least the colors matched! The only downer was Heidi decided on Mother's Day to start getting her upper teeth - we had a few melt downs and I was ready for the day to be over by noon!
Naked Time
Why do babies love to be naked so much? We get her naked and all she wants to do is run around the house. She will hate these pictures one day - but I love them! She is finally getting those baby chunky thighs! hehe
Goofy Blake
Blake is one cutie - if you even hang out with him - be prepared to hold a detailed conversation and he will always convince you to do something with him - like go play the drums. He now has a new Blakey Dance which is awesome if I do say so - I guess he does it naked after using the big boy chair - go figure.

The Trio Meets Again
We were able to get Heidi, Kendall and Zara together again! Zara and Kendall are two days apart and Heidi is 3 weeks younger - somehow they are all the same size - ha! Heidi decided to have a melt down during the photo shoot and went to sleep on Grandma Babs - damn teeth - but Kendall and Zara had a blast playing with Kendall's new car...

Kendall is ONE!
Kendall did a fantastic job eating her cupcake - we did have a cupcake in the eye incident - but she recovered nicely. The funniest thing about baby Kendall is when she eats - she likes to store food her in cheeks - it can be like an hour later and she may be munching on something - I bet she stored some of that cupcake for later!

Heidi being Heidi
Morning play time in our bedroom - we all look so hot...

Doesn't Heidi look like Chris in this picture?

She loves to wear this Easter basket as a hat - I think I stuck it on her as a joke one day and the rest is history! The best is when she tries to stick it on herself - hasn't quite figured out that one out...

Sunday Play
It ended up being sunny and great Sunday afternoon and I tried to take advantage of the sun and green grass with Heidi. One note I would like to point out - difference between a professional photographer and me - a professional wouldn't choose a dumpster as a back drop on a nice pretty day - but I would...
Until we meet again...