10 things I want to remember about Heidi at 11 months... 

1. She is walking, dancing, singing and talking away. She seems to like pop music the best mixed in with a little classical from toys. We are pretty sure she says uh-oh, ma ma, da da and something that sounds like Brew with a British accent.
2. She now wear shoes to daycare so she can play outside. We find sand everywhere or dirt or something in her hair, ears, nose and in-between her toes! Every morning she sits in her chair (from Grandpa Meyer's House) and watches me put on her shoes and socks for the day.
3. Her favorite spot is still the back door. I think it would be the front door if I would let her.
4. We have now heard her snort on several occasions - she loves to laugh and its pretty easy to get her going. She loves to play peek-a-boo and spin around and is always ready for a good tickling! She will give you high five and clap along with you - too cute!
5. Her new thing is feeding daddy - yes - feeding him whatever she is having, half chewed and everything else. I don't have the stomach for it - but she doesn't offer me any so we're good. Here is the typical process...
6. Her favorite foods are string cheese, turkey, mac n cheese, grilled cheese, anything cheese and blueberry pancakes. She actually flaps her arms when they come at a restaurant.
7. She loves her sippy cup, which we're happy. Soon it will be milk, real milk, in that sippy cup. She doesn't like juice that much, which we don't mind - we'll save it for a treat instead of an everyday thing. Now if we could only get her to hold her bottle...
8. I think she is finally growing. We finally moved into 9 month clothes, but I have managed to put some 12 month items on her as well. Her capris are pants, but maybe by this summer they will be capris... if she is anything like me - fat chance of that.
9. Heidi still loves bath time - I think its one of her favorite parts of the day. She plays in there for 15+ minutes every night, singing, dropping things out of the tub, splashing, you name it - she loves it - she just doesn't love what happens after the bath - I think if she could play in the bath and go to bed naked with a bottle - she would be 100% happy.
10. Some of our favorite moments are first thing in the morning - how happy she is and when she is playing and wants to give you things - over and over again. We can't wait to see what the future brings!
Almost one year...