I do sincerely apologize for the gap in blogs - a few excuses include - work - dead battery on camera - laziness and the dog ate my homework... but we are now back...

So the goal this weekend was to take pictures - I give myself a C+ - I didn't take that many... but its baby steps - right?
Onto the pictures...
Heidi can now climb on the couch...yep...not cool
This is Heidi's stance when she is pooping - she places her feet real close together and raises her shoulders - its quite comical...
Heidi watching daddy water the lawn
Brewski and Heidi have become best buds - they have always been best buds, but now Heidi hugs Brewski on a regular basis and they are really inseparable. Here are Brew and Heidi handing out at the door and then sharing a nice afternoon snack - too cute!
Today was Kendall's baptism - so here is the little blessed one
And Blake being Blake
The three wee ones - Kendall, Blake and Heidi all playing with Chris in the playhouse - they are all great together!