Last weekend Chris and I were in Vegas for a free trip Chris won in a sales contest - wahoo! It was great - we stayed at Caesars Palace in a very swank room - it even had a TV in the mirror and remote controlled curtains - kind of crazy - we ate, drank, gambled and had a blast. We didn't think we were going to get a vacation - so it was nice to get one! We are sooo grateful!
One downer was I donated my phone to the taxi cab fairies - darn it - but thank you for insurance - I already have a new one - just no phone numbers. The highlight of the trip was us renting a fun car and visiting Cass, Lori and Ariana - just 3 months old and a BEAUTIFUL baby! That was a fun lunch and we were so happy to see them!
While there, Chris' company paid for us to go to Cher... yes Cher... She is still kicking it... Overall the show wasn't our cup of tea - let me break it down...
- 40% videos - yep - videos - like Sonny and Cher, movie clips, etc etc - no one on stage - just videos
- 40% Dancers - now they were great dancers - that was entertaining
- 10% costume changes - I didn't quite understand that - but most people around us were amazed at everything she changed into
- 5% singing - It sounded good - there were a few times she didn't go for those high notes - but I can't blame her - how old is she?
- 5% talking - she had an interesting beginning speech - basically explaining how she hates unions and how great she is
Interesting - but hey - at least we saw it - if you like Cher and think she is awesome - it is the perfect show for you... if not - stick to drinking and gambling...
Now for an update on Heidi - she is just growing so fast - into everything! We missed her while we were gone - but she had fun at Grandma and Grandpa Stuedemanns! We got Heidi some toys while we were in Vegas and for some reason we didn't get anything that represented Vegas - oh well - but we got her a cooking set that she played with for a very long time and was concentrating so hard on.
We also got her an Ugly Doll - Big Toe - she LOVES it - she now sleeps with it and hugs it all the time - who knew? I may have a Halloween costume idea...

Heidi officially has some molars - it has explained some of her moods and lack of eating - we are still missing one on the bottom but the top ones are definitely in and one of the bottom ones is poking through. She loves to brush her teeth - well maybe more suck on the toothbrush while I try to wiggle it in her mouth - but at least we're trying! :)
I know it's called terrible twos - but I think we have already moved into the tantrum part - I mean throw yourself on the ground screaming - its crazy. The most recent was in HyVee - I was pushing bedtime anyways - but I needed to grab one more thing - we passed the baby aisle - didn't walk down - just passed it and she saw the yogurt melts - and all of the sudden she started to SCREAM! I mean SCREAM - I'm like - what is wrong - I tried to hold her and she is flinging herself every which way and she is just reaching for something - then I figured out - it was the melts - I tried to walk away but she wouldn't stop and just got louder - I ended up giving in and grabbing a bag - well 3 of them and opening one - and she was happy as can be... I'm like crap. So now I know what she is doing - we may have to be exiting the store in the future... good times!
This morning we got up really early for the race for the cure again -always a good time. The only picture I have is of Heidi bundled up - she was half asleep and just knew it was cold. It was something like 36 degrees - yikes!
The rest of the pictures are of Heidi being Heidi - she is quite a character when she isn't throwing a fit - Here is Heidi playing with Chris' shoe box - she was in and out, in and out - funny!
Heidi playing downstairs - into everything - I don't even know what she has in her mouth in that one picture - some kind of dropper - who knows - whatever entertains her!
She has also discovered our poker chips and puts them in everything - we are screwed when we want to play poker next - but at least they are being used!
You can tell in this picture she is being mischievous - look closely you see all the band aids she pulled out of a box from our suitcases - and CDs in her old clothes bin - for the record - I have lost one of my casual shoes - she was playing with it and I haven't been able to find it for 4 weeks...
But we love our little Heidi - growing so fast and really turning into a character!