This is typical snack time now - Heidi has discovered Netflix and she has a variety to choose from. She loves Dora, Nai ho Kai-lan (yep Anne - we are all learning Chinese - I can count to 3 :) ) and Thomas the Train. Anyone else find Thomas the train extremely creepy? I do...
Awwww yes - potty training... it has began in full force - we have been toying with it for a long time - but it just didn't get anywhere - so for the last three weekends - it has been boot camp. Its going - OK - but I think its starting to work. Like this morning - Heidi woke up - sat on the potty and went - I didn't have to convince her - nice! She told her teacher she wasn't going potty on the toilet because she didn't have Minnie Mouse underwear - REALLY? That's the hold up? Well guess what we bought this weekend :)

Goof Ball Heidi...

We are trying to end all sippy cups - she doesn't take one to school - there are really two times we have them - 1. At bed with some water which we are buying a side table to her bed and this should end soon 2. V8 juice on the carpet. I have started to have her use sippy cups without the lids as big cups and that seems to be working as a great transition. And most of you know - I love straws and so does Heidi. Good thing we never have a shortage of straws around this place.
Playtime... this time - it was gathering her animals on the stairs (she said they were all in time out)
Took a break to steal my camera lens...

The weather man predicts 50 to 70 degrees this weekend...he better not be lying...
I organized the basement this weekend and brought back toyland. Its unfinished but plenty of room for Heidi to play or ride her bike or whatever. Here is your tour of the basement...
Stairs down...