Heidi LOVES to shop - but let me define this - she doesn't like to BUY things - just shop. She is very particular on what she will actually buy and if she doesn't like it - she won't wear it or want it and if you try to get her to get it - tantrum. This can be good and bad:
Good: We can go to multiple stores and she doesn't have to get anything - nor does she beg for something (yes I know this could change :) ) If she finds something she wants, she asks if she can have it - we don't always buy it unless we are like - you need new pajamas and she picks out pajamas - then we get them. We went to 2 toy stores this weekend as a reward for pooping on the potty - literally gave her free rein. First store nothing and the second one she finally picked out one small playmobile bunny farm thing - it was $7 and she was good to go. I even asked - do you want anything else and she is like no.
Bad: Let me give you an example - we went shoe shopping this weekend for Heidi - She needs tennis shoes/gym shoes/sneakers - we go shopping and we are like - Heidi you need new shoes and she is like okay - off she goes looking. She looks at every pair - I try to coax her along - what about these - do you like these - its no, no, no etc. Heidi can we try on these to check your size - okay - tries them on - looks in the mirror at them on her feet, "Mommy, I don't like them". Really???
SEVEN - yes 7 - stores later - we end up at the Nike store. She has four choices of shoes - she has me pull each one - tries them on by herself - and looks in the mirror each time. Finally - she tries on these turquoise and white ones (cute I may add) and she goes - "I want these ones". Whew - found some - now is to double check the size. So I go - okay Heidi let's try on these two sizes to make sure we get the right ones. She tries one size on one foot and one on the other and points to the bigger one - "I like these".
Now some people would be like - 7 stores - are you insane? However, she not only found the cutest ones (side note - many toddler shoes look like orthopedic old people shoes - why? I don't know) - she found the best value as well - $17.99 for nice Nike shoes - I don't mind. Plus she got them a size bigger - so she should be able to wear these for a long time.
She LOVES them - even took a nap in them and slept with them on Saturday night. She wore them to school today and stopped everyone on the way in to show off her new shoes. She is very passionate about her choices. I just hope one day she can shop for me :)
Here is Heidi in her new shoes and new shirt and yes she picked out the shirt as well. She likes the hood.

One more quick story from shopping - we went to the Coach store - my favorite :) and Heidi walks in and goes - this is Mommy's store - hahahaha - good kid. Then on the back wall they have the their sign and Heidi points to the H and goes - that's H like my name Heidi. Hehe - Chris is like - if you even get her liking coach purses - you're dead. :)