Yes - we have booked a trip to the happiest place on earth - Detroit...aww just kidding - Disney World. I haven't been since I was 9 -so I'm pretty sure it has changed a bit! At first I thought Heidi was too young - but there is a TON for her to do! She is SUPER excited to see Minnie - but where it becomes a problem is - she keeps thinking we are taking the trip...tomorrow... um - its going to be awhile kiddo. So... I had to come up with some kind of count down and this is what it is - an old school ring thingy... Every day she tears off a ring - has it helped... no... she still doesn't get it - but I'm hoping as we progress along the chain - it will start to click. Is it a little crazy to hang something like this on your wall in your dining room... yes... but I can say its art.
As of today - 149 days to go...

Moving on - we visited the Cleveland Zoo for the first time - mainly to get membership squared away before the grandparents visit this summer. It is a nice zoo - good natural landscaping and things are up-to-date - like they have a Pizza Hut - cool. Their elephant exhibit is very nice - one of them is from Omaha - who knows which one... now we just may be jaded and spoiled with the Omaha zoo - but many times Chris and I were unimpressed with the exhibits... for example: we go to the cat exhibit and there is one coral and um.... one lion. Its not like there are tigers next door or anything... uno el liono... but luckily Heidi doesn't know the difference. We didn't stay that long - mainly because of the weather - but at least we saw what the zoo entails and we are ready to REALLY explore it in the future.

Boo boo update - its healing nicely - taking a lot longer than I expected... She doesn't mind the bandaid at all - changing it can be challenging - but at least she lets me put baby oil on it - so it loosens it. She actually doesn't like NOT having a bandaid...
This is Heidi explaining something about the bears to me... funny.