"Hey Heidi, say CHEESE!" And this is what you get...
We had a fun-filled weekend once again - filled with Heidi being a goofball...

BTW - on Sundays - Heidi can dress herself - I always love to see what she puts together.
Heidi busy playing with her trains and cars... she put together the track herself - I'm impressed.

I love this picture - sums her up.
I came home Wednesday from dropping off Heidi - greeted by Brewski and then Taco slowly comes hopping around the corner - dragging his right back leg... crap. We made a vet appointment for the next day and watched him throughout the day - hoping he would start using the leg again - nope. We went to the vet and did some tests and some xrays and his hip was completely out of whack. I'm horrible with medical stuff - but your leg and hip are like a ball and socket - well his leg ball thingy was completely out of the socket and nothing to hold it there anymore. That meant - SURGERY - awesome. The vet went in and cut off/shaved off whatever the term the ball part of the leg. It will take Taco 2 months to heal and he has one nasty wound and incision. But even though Taco is Mr. hop-along gimpy - he is WAY happier. I think it was pretty painful for him.
This is cute - Brewski was very worried about Taco. Taco was gone Thursday through Saturday and Brew couldn't have been MORE crazy. Randomly crying - going door to door etc. When Taco finally got home, we had to put Taco in the kennel for his own safety - so Brew wouldn't jump all over him. Brew hung out around the kennel for a long time and when things calmed down, they could be reunited.

I came home Wednesday from dropping off Heidi - greeted by Brewski and then Taco slowly comes hopping around the corner - dragging his right back leg... crap. We made a vet appointment for the next day and watched him throughout the day - hoping he would start using the leg again - nope. We went to the vet and did some tests and some xrays and his hip was completely out of whack. I'm horrible with medical stuff - but your leg and hip are like a ball and socket - well his leg ball thingy was completely out of the socket and nothing to hold it there anymore. That meant - SURGERY - awesome. The vet went in and cut off/shaved off whatever the term the ball part of the leg. It will take Taco 2 months to heal and he has one nasty wound and incision. But even though Taco is Mr. hop-along gimpy - he is WAY happier. I think it was pretty painful for him.
Now WARNING - these next two pictures aren't for the faint of heart - this stuff normally doesn't bug me and I have a hard time looking at the incision - gross.
I warned you...

This is cute - Brewski was very worried about Taco. Taco was gone Thursday through Saturday and Brew couldn't have been MORE crazy. Randomly crying - going door to door etc. When Taco finally got home, we had to put Taco in the kennel for his own safety - so Brew wouldn't jump all over him. Brew hung out around the kennel for a long time and when things calmed down, they could be reunited.

Sorry about the gross Taco leg picture again - I can't even look at it - blah! There will be a break in blogs as we are traveling back to Omaha for a week! I won't do a blog until probably after Labor Day!!! BUT - I should have tons of pictures to share! Until then...
OH - I almost forgot - we had a BIG accomplishment - Heidi slept overnight in panties! No accidents! She has been waking up dry for about a month now - but finally last night we took the plunge. This morning - she goes - "Mom, it's easier to go potty with panties on then a diaper at night" OK - that does it - panties it is. I'm so proud she gets up and goes potty if she needs to in the middle the night! Keep your fingers crossed and this continues and we can officially be rid of any diapers!