First - woke up to Heidi Saturday morning - just playing Trivial Pursuit by herself - you know - something typical for a 3 year old. I'm not sure if she won or not - but at least she is getting a head start...

Heidi busy coloring with my office highlighters - no wonder I can never find one when I need it.

On to the shopping trip. We needed to run to Target and then the grocery store - for people who shop at Target - you will understand - I went in there for 5 things - FIVE things and an hour later spent over $130. Target is the black hole for shopping - yes - everything I bought was needed - well - maybe an asterisk on that - I did buy Heidi 3 new pairs of shoes and two new videos - was that really needed...hmmm.... So Heidi and I were wandering through the store and we passed by the shoes for her. I have been on the hunt for some boots or something for her that she can wear with her Husker dress this fall. Heidi lit up when she saw the shoes and the trying every pair on started...
First - we saw her pink cowboy boots from last year - but they didn't have her size - but she decided she like these purple suede ones instead. Then she saw the sparkle red Dorthy from Wizard of OZ shoes - which Heidi herself said would be perfect for her Husker dress and then we happen to fall upon discounted flip flops - which she doesn't have any that fit and need some for the neighborhood pool. There you go - 3 pairs of shoes.
I told Heidi to pose next to her new shoes - this is what I got...I don't get it...

She was more than willing to try on each pair of new shoes and pose for the camera. First - her new boots.

Side note - I got a little fancy with her braid on Sunday - we call this her princess tangled hair...

Now to the flip flops... she did all the posing...

Is Heidi Planking?

And lastly - her new Husker shoes...

Heidi is a goofball to say the least. Heidi playing on the couch and maybe Daddy was tickling too. :)

So - Heidi is happy-go-lucky - overall a very good child about 99.9% of the time - give or take a few points... Wanna see her mad? This was this morning (she dressed herself by the way) after I told her no - she can't have M&Ms for breakfast... Teenage years should be fun.

What happens when a 3 year old has free-for-all Sunday afternoon and two parents are too tired to pick anything up? Well - you get a family room that looks like this... yikes. Looks like we will be playing the pick up game tonight.