A couple of notes, after much debating, I decided to only bring our small camera - even though it was easy to carry - it just wasn't fast enough. We have a lot of blurry shots and frankly - I missed some moments. Please excuse my crappy photography - but hopefully you get the picture!
Anyways on to the trip!
We were up bright and early for our flight - I think I was moving at 3:15 am - yikes! Heidi popped out of bed and was like: "We're going to Disney World today?" So fun!
She had to take off one last ring before we left!

Another lesson - poor Heidi was all excited for Disney World - and so far all she sees are buses and people. We got to Epcot and we were on a mission to find food. Which is rather boring for a kiddo. We knew we should have gone on a ride or something first when she was like - "When are we going to get to Disney World" oops... Luckily Epcot has this great character spot where they have 5 of the main characters - right in a row - you can meet them all at once. We got in line and once Heidi saw Mickey - she was VERY excited - as you can tell by the blurry pictures...
And THEN we learned that she LOVED Pluto the best - who knew? She saw Pluto and lit up!
Of course Mickey was first - doesn't she look so happy???
And Pluto came...
Heidi doing the happy dance while he signed her book!

After meeting the characters - she perked up and started to understand Disney World. We also were able to meet up with Matt, Christina, Blake and Kendall at this time! Then the fun began!

Epcot had a cute Nemo ride and outside the ride were the seagulls saying "Mine" (if you have seen the movie - you will get it) Very entertaining...
Heidi's first ride - wasn't so sure about it - but enjoyed it...
Playing in the aquarium - of course the kids found it to be more fun to slide down the edge instead...
Waiting for the interactive Crush the Turtle show - very cute - and cool how Disney has the character interact with the audience!
How cute is this?
Friday - time for Magic Kingdom!

First here is a random shot of our hotel - of course in Disney style - over sized stuff everywhere. Yeah - not the nicest one out there - but it worked - maybe when the kids are older - we will stay in a nicer one - when it matters more to them - Heidi could care less how nice the hotel was.
Pre-Magic Kingdom excitement!
And here we go - rides rides rides!
Nice shirt Matt.
Ice cream break for Heidi and Kendall...sugar helped keep the kids motivated through the lines :)
Tea Cups!
After a few more rides together - Matt's family headed back for naps and we decided to try to hack it. We went next to the Monster's Inc. Laugh Floor - which was fun. During this interactive show - they choose people from the audience to put on the screens as characters. They joked they needed a cute girl from the audience to be Boo and well then the camera came on Heidi. Hehe - thanks I think she is cute too :) It was actually a very entertaining show!

We continued around the park - did a few different rides and even played on the Tom Sawyer's island. Heidi was very entertained playing in the dirt and leaves - travel all the way to Disney World and she is excited for leaves. We didn't mind - it was a nice shaded place for us to sit and take a break.

After the island - we had about 30 minutes before meeting Matt and Christina for dinner - so why not take your 3 year old through the haunted mansion - yep - we were THOSE parents. She actually was just fine and feel asleep about two seconds in. Which was good since the ride broke on us twice. The second time - we got stuck with the floating head that was VERY annoying. Heidi didn't wake up a bit.

She slept for a little longer and we had to wake her right before dinner - lesson learned - Heidi takes a good 20 to 30 minutes to wake up - which meant for a crabby dinner. But after a bit she got back in the swing of things. The dinner was a character dinner and the whole Winnie the Pooh gang rotated around to the tables. Since Heidi was being a booger - I thought I would take a picture with Pooh bear - dude - the character grabbed my hand and tried to put it...down there... no lie - awkward moment at Disney - check. I think Matt caught it on video and Christina on her camera - so I have evidence!
Right after dinner - it was time for the parade and shows. I thought it was a good time to get Heidi a nice Pluto - I think she likes it :)

I had to split up the posts on Disney World - check out Part 2 after this one. You might have to click on older posts to view it!

I had to split up the posts on Disney World - check out Part 2 after this one. You might have to click on older posts to view it!