Well this weekend was less than desirable. Heidi got a fever on Thursday that topped at 106.2 - her high fevers drive me nuts! It was diagnosed by an urgent care doctor as a double ear infection - amoxicillin later and its now Monday and she still has a fever, she is extremely congested and I'm heading back to the doctor at 2:00pm. Unfortunately this was also the weekend that Chris' best bud Curtis was in town to have a fun boys weekend. They got to escape in the evenings and go play - but he had to witness cranky, sick, vomiting Heidi. Sorry Curtis!!! I'm hoping to get relief from this illness soon. This has been the worst illness for Heidi ever - definitively the longest!
One funny note - well not funny - but its kind of funny... So Heidi has slept in our bed the past few days - and last night I woke up to her peeing in the bed and in turn peeing on me. Nice warm, fever fueled pee. Isn't that what being a mom is all about - getting peed on and catching puke in your hand? Check and Check.