I realized I never posted her outcome of her 6 month check up. Our little butterball is weighing in at 13 lbs 4 ounces - or in the 10% but she is up two pounds from her 4 months check up! Her height is 25 1/4 which is 2 inches taller than before and jumps her to the 25% for height! The doctor said she isn't behind on the whole - not sitting thing - but she was progressing how she should be. She said that Lucy was actually ahead of the game in something - really? Talking and social skills! Ha! Her ability to interact with people and how many sounds and things she makes. Yeah! The doctor answered all my wacky questions and even made some strong suggestions on how to handle Lucy's sleeping issues... first - feed the bottle and don't let her fall asleep... and second - after you feed her - THEN bathe her or do something to keep her up. Makes sense - will help with the belly! And of course...the cry it out method - more or less.
Well we have now completed 6 days of letting her fall asleep - no pacifier - no nighttime feedings etc etc and Lucy actually has taken to it. A couple of nights we struggled through a midnight waking - but nothing has lasted more than an hour and overall - she has been a even happier baby. I think Chris and I deep down think she is more fragile or something and were afraid to apply the same processes to her as we did Heidi. Let's hope it continues! I think we finally might be getting into the swing of things...took long enough...
Valentine's Day! A big thank you to all the grandparents for sending cards and gifts. It help make the day special! Heidi also enjoys openings all the presents - I think when Lucy can finally do her own - it will be a sad day for Heidi!
Anyways - here is Heidi with her box from school!
She wanted to model by all the boxes and presents!
Lucy watching her open all the presents!
She opened this one and was like - a radio??? haha - I'm like - Grandma Babs likes to reuse boxes... haha!
Brew getting his v-day rub down...
She could not wait to get her new PJs and slippers on!
I decided on Saturday to have Lucy try on her new outfit she received - I think she is pretty cute! :) I put shoes on her and they are still huge - but they work!
She is growing so fast and has SUCH a cute personality! She hardly cries any more - only if we are late to getting a bottle or is bored with whatever she is doing. She is even taking naps better!
Heidi REALLY wanted to hold Lucy all on her own! Look how proud she is and Lucy was LOVING it!
Happy baby!
Heidi and I went upstairs to get dressed to go grocery shopping - we come back down to this... how cute?