Our house is becoming more Griswald... Chris did a great job on the lights! We are ready for Christmas!
This week was busy - we had a homework assignment for Lucy to make a poster all about her. one night to do it - since I totally forgot about it - so we worked with what we had and came up with this.
Heidi finished up her basketball camp and really did a great job. It was nice seeing her in a team sport - trying hard. What we don't know for sure is if she was trying hard because she liked the sport or that she was given a boy to guard and she wanted to stay near the boy. We will see...
Random picture from us at Fat Heads!
It was time to see Santa! They have a great Santa place in Elyria at an old alumni house or estate or something. They do a good job decorating!
Santa! Heidi was all ready with her list of the items she wanted.
Lucy...not so much.
They even provide hot cocoa and cookies!
We also made a stop by a house near us that does a fantastic job with lights. Just some random guy - who loves to put up lights.
Afterwards we headed to Fiesta Jalapeno where they just love to run around!
And believe it or not - I managed to take some pictures and put together a last minute Christmas card. I am about to start addressing them now! Heidi was testing the background for me... once I get them addressed - I will share it - they are awesome.
Shopping is about 90% done! Girls are done - most of the grandparents - now its just a few more things and we can focus on baking cookies!!!