We just went through a whirlwind - but as always - Lucy bounces back! About 2 weeks ago, Lucy went in for her angioplasty of her pulmonary artery to help with the pulmonary stenosis (narrowing). We thought the biggest challenge was having her not eat - which meant for mom and dad not to eat - which we complained more than her! They were delayed until almost 3pm before she went in, but she was great. Hardly fussed at all. Just entertained herself as much as she could waiting in the OR.
The surgery went great. They were able to balloon what they needed. If I had to grade the results, it would be a B. They were assuming they would see results worth an A, but they didn't see as much improvement as they wanted. We go back in a few weeks to take a look again to see if there are pressure improvements.
I just love this picture - I couldn't help it!
Headed home, right on time to a lovely surprise from the neighbors. Plus, Lucy earned some new toys. She was basically herself most of the rest of the day.
Then a day after in the afternoon - her fever kept creeping up...and creeping...before it hit 103. Back to the hospital we went. She got poked and prodded again and I felt so bad for her! They were worried it was an infection from surgery but after some tests (and a lot of waiting). It turned out to be the flu of all things. Lucy was severely dehydrated and her fever was staying high with meds. It was a LONG stay - ok - just 4 days- but it wasn't fun.
Finally - she kept her fever down to 99, ate and drank enough and we were released!
By the end of last week - she was back to normal, like nothing happened!
It was another adventure for us. Lucy likes to keep us on our toes. Chris did snap one picture of the whole ordeal and it was us walking to the operating room. I love it. I think it captures everything. Lucy is a fighter. She has been through a lot and it hasn't phased her. This is just the beginning of our journey but we're ready for it!
We have a wonderful support system and could not thank everyone enough for all their love and support. Thank you!