Two weeks under my belt for my new gig. It's a fun to be learning all about live streaming and creating content for social and the internet. A group decided to have a pizza eating contest on Friday for lunch... they didn't do well, but it was a fun event to watch. I'm enjoying being back with creative people for sure!
Another big perk is we have dogs that come to the office on a regular basis. This is Wally. I will try to get pics of the other office dogs when they come in.
Saturday was a big deal for Heidi. It was her first dance. They all decided to go casual and another school was hosting it. Heidi wanted her hair to be curly and fancy like Hollywood... Luckily she has good hair and it didn't take much. She was asked by a boy, but we decided they could just meet there. I didn't get any pictures, but I heard it was fun!
Remy didn't like her sleepover bag...
Heidi is modeling our new vanity that is being installed this week in our downstairs bathroom. New floors are going in too! Big week! Some painting will be done in a couple of weeks!
Since Heidi was away - Lucy snuck into her bed for the night.
Lucy had a birthday party at an indoor pool place. Lucy still isn't a strong swimmer, very scared of the water, but that didn't stop her from being a social butterfly on the edge!
We are excited for the new floors and I will take pictures once they are done!