The girls volunteered to make us dinner - we had BLTs. I made the bacon but the girls did everything else!
Just trying to keep ourselves busy!
Lucy is learning all about money right now and having fun counting her money - downside - now she wants to buy things!
Lucy made a safari with stuffed animals that she was the tour guide. It was fun.
No front teeth! With an assist from Heidi - yet again - we lost that super loose tooth! I think she is adorable!
Random homework. Her teacher had a good idea - instead of just emailing her all the school work. She started a class blog on SeeSaw. We take pictures of things and post it there. Then all the classmates can see each other and see everyone doing their work etc. It honestly has been great!
Boredom baking is continuing... These were so good but had some REALLY hot jalapeños... Heidi loves these!
Lucy has been self entertaining and letting us finally get some work done... well - when kids are quiet for too long is never good. Her room... became a new level of disaster... She found some of Heidi's old clothes and she did clean it up.
Daddy getting fancy...
Remy is loving his new bed. We are glad we bought it.
Saturday and Sunday were both beautiful days! We took some Jeep rides with the top down as a whole family. We have this harness and seat belt for Remy and he loved it. It felt good to feel the sun and the breeze!
Heidi is VERY hard to take pictures of now. She is hard to chase down. I will try to get more pictures!
I cut Chris' hair! I'm so proud - we just shaved the sides and back. I did not touch the top - one - I didn't feel confident I could cut his curly hair and two - I like the top. When he gets it really fluffy, he reminds me of Beaker from the muppets!
More Jeep rides...
That's Heidi laying on Chris...
And - May the 4th be with you... Get it? Like May the Force be with You - but May 4th... awww. I have to entertain myself...
Random final pictures...
Enjoying the backyard...
Before the second tooth came out...