We visited Hollywood Studios 4 times while there. This is the park with Toy Story Land and the Star Wars Galaxy's Edge that is amazing. It is the smallest park but packed with a punch. We have also found it to be always extremely busy now. We know how to navigate it and some items weren't open yet, like Indiana Jones Stunt Show, but we love the park just the same. Below are a mixture of all of our pictures, not really in any order!
We felt like rockstars as they have a great pub called Baseline that really only has one table now available for inside the AC. We got really lucky and were able to snag it. It was a great break from the heat for sure!

The biggest worry of the trip was if we were going to be able to snag Rise of the Resistance virtual passes. This is the best ride, more like an experience, that is a must do. I have never been on this before and felt like I was in Star Wars! Long story short, you have to try at 7am to try to get into queue, then you are in boarding groups that are called through out the morning. Once you are called, you have an hour to use your boarding group and you go on the ride. You only get one boarding group per day and if you miss the 7am, you have to try again at 1pm in the park. Not everyone coming to the park will get a boarding group and you can't just wait in line. Chris technically has the newest phone, so I tasked him with trying to snag it the first day we were going at 7am. He wasn't successful, plus I don't think he like the pressure. At 1pm in the park, I focused and was able to grab an afternoon slot for the ride. After that, all the other mornings, I was not only able snag boarding passes, but always in the first few groups! It actually wasn't that hard, but timing was everything. It is like playing Jeopardy!

Rizzo posters!
We celebrated Chris' birthday while on the trip and I said for his present (since we really didn't get any presents since the trip was enough) he was going to rent a scooter for the day! hehe. He didn't say no and I think honestly, it saved his feet. It was pretty funny too.
Lucy loving the parades!
We snagged a reservation for the Star War's cantina and enjoyed some unique drinks and treats!
Toy Story land is just the best!
Snag another one! What was funny was one of these I said we could sleep in and go to the park later. Well... at 7am I was able to grab an early group (you don't get a choice besides not trying and you are not NOT going to try) and I was like... good news/bad news... good news I got our boarding group... bad news - we are in the first batch - sorry, we are rope dropping...sort of!
Another activity we did was build droids. It was pretty cool how they got to pick out everything and actually put it together. The funniest is how they talk to each other. That night is when we went to California Grill and we left our items with the host stand (it is a nice restaurant and that is what they do). At the end of the night, they were all laughing because the droids were talking to each other through the entire 2 hour dinner. Ha.
Sci Fi Diner for some great burgers!
We saw more characters this time that ever before. You couldn't go take individual pictures, but it as cool to see them out!
Heidi did a great job of line entertainment. She had the Play Disney app on her phone and was good at keeping all of us entertained while we waited.
The newest ride, Mickey and Minnie's runaway railway was SUPER cute. I really liked it!
One section of Rise of the Resistance...
Here are some more pictures of the Ride... It is breath taking AND sometimes, some of the storm troopers aren't robots but actual people. It is SO cool!
This is a live storm trooper yelling at me and scaring me. Yes! They yell at you this ride!
Droid building...
I think this was Chris on his scooter!