Monday, September 23, 2024

Go Browns!

We got back into the swing of things this week. School is in full swing, Heidi started her job training for Raising Canes and we had volleyball for Lucy!

We made a quick stop on Saturday for the apple orchard. We didn't feel like doing all the activities this year - we were a little pressed for time with volleyball and also, might be aging out of some things. But we still got our doughnuts, apples, and freshly popped kettle corn! 

Chris LOVES to be volun-told to do line judging for volleyball 

Hard to take pictures when you are coaching!

Sunday, Chris and I headed off to a Browns game. I have only been twice and it was always with work, not tailgating or anything like that. It was a beautiful day out and plus we had a free uber aka Heidi to help out too!

The Muni lot is just awesome - so much activity, music, food, games etc - though - all the different blasting music made my ears ring! I got quite a few laughs or compliments on my shirt for Yay Sports! 

Don't worry - we didn't participate in the people soup beer bong... we were part of the group laughing at how gross that is...

I should have taken a photo of the food. Our buddy has a professional chef friend who comes and cooks everything for the tailgate. He made three different types of sliders that were so good. The flavors were amazing.

Chris got great club seats, which were shaded for most of the game, and we had AC we could escape into. Very nice!

We walked to Mast Head Brewery towards the end of the game for some final food before getting picked up for home! It was a LOT of walking and way more standing. We joked we felt more tired after the Brown's game than going to Disney for a week!

Overall a fun weekend. Lucy's volleyball is starting to wind down - only a couple more weeks left! Then its homecoming for Heidi in a couple of weeks, we have some Husker football games to attend and before we know it, it will be Halloween!