One More Day.....We find out the sex tomorrow!
We can't wait!!! We'll try to take pictures too! I'm showing now and I feel movement - so exciting. Things are going well and we're just counting down the hours until we find out the sex!
We'll let you know tomorrow!
1/8/08 (18 Weeks)
Holy Cow!
Holy Cow! It's a GIRL! We didn't see that one coming - but we are both VERY excited! The ultrasound was VERY cool. She was moving a ton and was kicking and pushing her butt up - she has already learned how to back that thing up!
We told the grandparents we weren't telling them until Friday with the DVD of the ultrasound - but we're sneaky sneaky and showed up with presents today. Everyone is excited and everyone learned the rules - NO FRILLIE STUFF, NO LACE, NO OVERALLY GIRLIE ITEMS - hehe Of course pink is okay - but I'm going to limit my intake of girlie girl - there ain't gonna be a fairy princess around these parts!
Everything is great with the baby - everything is healthy and moving right along. Now it's time to register and start that whole name thing! That should be interesting!
I'm in my 19th week, basically half way done. We can't believe we finally know what we're having!!!Until next time!

1/17/08 (19 Weeks)
Just Checking In...again
Hi everyone - really nothing too much to report. Chris and I started to register - that was overwhelming! I feel her move all the time now, she even wakes me up. nothing too strong yet, but she is a mover! Maybe she'll be hyper like me!
We have no idea on names - but even if we did - we ain't sharing! :) but honestly we have diddlie squat! hehe
No idea on how we are decorating either, basically we have tried to decide on some things and we cannot agree!
I bought the cutest dress - yes a dress - and yes I said it was cute. We were looking at some Pottery Barn Kids clearance rack and it is the cutest little thing - it will probably be the announcement dress!
I think Brewski knows something is up - more and more he is laying between my legs and putting his head on my belly - either he like the growing pillow my belly is creating - or he knows something is up!
So far so good. We'll keep you posted on everything! Until next time...

Fourth Month
What I least expected with this pregnancy was: The headaches I guess. I didn't know pregnant ladies got headaches - but I get through them. No biggie.
The best bit of advice I've received is: Sleep - I guess - I'm loving the excuse to sleep whenever!
What has changed the most in my life with this pregnancy is: I guess not going out. During the holidays not drinking - was a bit weird - ESPECIALLY being at the company Christmas party and being the ONLY sober person - that was different.
What made me realize that I was really pregnant was: My growing belly and I think I may have felt something on Friday...
This month's ultrasound was: Coming in 13 days - then we find out the sex and make sure everything is A-Ok...
My hopes: Healthy baby!
What I least expected with this pregnancy was: The headaches I guess. I didn't know pregnant ladies got headaches - but I get through them. No biggie.
The best bit of advice I've received is: Sleep - I guess - I'm loving the excuse to sleep whenever!
What has changed the most in my life with this pregnancy is: I guess not going out. During the holidays not drinking - was a bit weird - ESPECIALLY being at the company Christmas party and being the ONLY sober person - that was different.
What made me realize that I was really pregnant was: My growing belly and I think I may have felt something on Friday...
This month's ultrasound was: Coming in 13 days - then we find out the sex and make sure everything is A-Ok...
My hopes: Healthy baby!