We have bedding!!!
We have been looking for awhile for bedding that both Chris and I liked. I swear everything I liked online, I would see in person and I would hate and everything I would see online that I hated, I would love in person - which is the case with the bedding we bought!
The online pictures make it kind of look like a clown threw up - but its very cute in person. Plus you have to consider we have brown walls and lots of white furniture to off set it.I love it and so does Chris - which is a miracle!
1/28/08 (21 Weeks)
My mom surprised me with some of my old baby clothes from when I was a wee one - the few items ranged from a knitted sweater from my grandma to a kermit the frog swimsuit! She even still had my baptism dress!
My favorite is this corduroy jumper with a little cow on it - I'll take a picture of it soon. It was my favorite outfit in pictures growing up and I'm so happy she saved it! I should find a picture of me in it...hmmmmThings are still going great. I'm just truckin along. Until next time...

1/28/08 (21 Weeks)
Funny Story
So - I think I have proven to myself - I may a little case of the "preggo" brain - I was cleaning my kitchen and putting things away and I put the toaster in the fridge. I continued cleaning and sat down and thought - hmmm - something didn't feel right - so sure enough I opened the fridge and there was the toaster...
2/1/08 (22 Weeks)
Daddy Felt a Kick!
Last night she was just a dancing away in my belly - I think she liked my skillet burgers (its a weight watchers recipe and they rock!) and the root beer I was drinking! hehe - so he placed his hands on my lower part of my belly and he felt the little kicks that I have been feeling on the inside forever!
This week alone I have felt stronger and stronger kicks and movement - I can't ignore them anymore. Sometimes it can be a bit much and it kind of turns my stomach. But I found if I just dance along with her - I'm fine J/K.This weekend we will be ordering our changing table - it takes 6 to 8 weeks to deliver - I figure we better get on it. Maybe I'll actually upload some pictures - sorry I'm so bad about it!!!
Fifth Month
The first time I felt you kick: About 2 weeks ago - it felt like concentrated gas.
The strangest food craving I've had is: Now its steak phillies and meat in general - go figure.
This month's prenatal visit taught me that: Well it showed me you are a girl - that was a surprise!
My hopes: Healthy baby!