The saxophonist was missing last night (Leroi) - I guess he was involved in an ATV accident and is in the hospital, but his temporary replacements were great - one guy looked like Big Black from the MTV show Rob and Big and the other guy looked like David Letterman's side kick with a long goatee. Tim Reynolds was also there, he looked like a bum they picked up from the side of the road - but he redeems himself with great guitar skills!
My favorite part of the show (besides Dancing Nancies) was when they mixed it up and played Peter Gabriel's Sledgehammer - it was very entertaining. I think the kid standing next to me had no idea what song that was.
It was great to get out and about, but I have to admit I felt old - we weren't the oldest people there by far, but I ran into so many young fans that is was just weird. I realize I have been seeing Dave concerts for 12 years - I only missed two summers without seeing him - 2000 (in Germany) and 2003 (broke living in San An - hehe).
We will continue to go to Dave concerts, I just wish they had an outdoor theater here - Dave is meant to be outside where you are tailgating in the parking lot, there are questionable people in the bushes, you probably will see someone peeing and in between the songs you enjoy being outdoors. But overall, thank you Dave for a great show!