I didn't take many pictures, I was too busy chatting with aunts and uncles and cousins and kiddos. I did manage to get a picture of Heidi and Great Grandma Stuedemann though...
Heidi was a little over stimulated by all the people and was overall crabby all day - but she was very happy in Lori and Aunt Nancy's arms - now if I could only hire them on a regular basis.
Here is Christina, Kendall, Blake and Great Grandma Stuedemann...
We tried to get the cousins together for a picture - but come on, can we really get two babies and two two-year olds together and sitting still? Starting left to right, Juilian, Blake, Kendall (chilling on the pillow) and Heidi ready to head home for some food.

Thank you to all the Stuedemann's for a great weekend!