We had Chris' side of the family come visit for a week - unfortunately not a lot of the pictures turned out - but I managed to salvage a couple of them. We had a good time and miss them already.
Heidi is into tickling people right now and Grandpa was the first victim.

Heidi's new train set for her birthday from them - she LOVES it!

Now - I didn't take a single picture on Father's Day - yep - I'm that awesome. So I tried to make up for it on his birthday - which was two days later.
Our birthday boy - Chris.

This picture makes me giggle - they are seeing Mars from above if you were flying over??? (Science Museum) I had to finally tell Chris to get off - so the next kids could get on it.

Chris was worried I wouldn't have enough sweets for his birthday - so I went overboard.

This is Heidi telling me how big of a piece she wants of the blue cake.
Hehe - I may have had some part in this... :)

Happy Birthday Chris!