WARNING - The next picture show POOP!!!!
I've warned you...
We had a BIG moment with potty training - Heidi actually went poop on the potty - doesn't sound that cool eh? Well we have been struggling with pooping - usually - I catch her making the face or the stance and I grab her to get to the potty - I have cleaned up WAY too many poopy panties...
Well this weekend it clicked - it just clicked. She actually went to the bathroom - sat on the potty and waited and pooped. (We weren't even around!) She did it SEVERAL times this weekend! We only had one accident. We are so proud. Chris thought I was crazy for taking a picture of her poop - but hey - its awesome.

Another random Sunday - Heidi dressed herself - or really wanted to remain in her PJs - fine by me. Funny story and no pictures to show - we played in the sprinkler Sunday afternoon and afterwards - Heidi wanted to wear new panties and her bath robe - well then she got too hot for her robe and was running around in her panties. I told her - well let's put some clothes on and she goes - why? are we going somewhere? and I'm like no and she is like - then I'm okay in my panties...too shay.

Taco saying hi...

Taco saying hi...

LBC 3 - what is LBC? - well that's Little Bit of Chris - Chris' home-brewed beer - its time for batch number 3... why Little Bit of Chris? Well some of you may recall - Chris' first batch - didn't go so well - was it the rain drops while it was brewing or Chris' sweat dripping in there or was it him reaching his arm in the batch to fish out the thermometer - what ever it may be - that beer contained a little bit of Chris and it didn't work out... So the name stuck - batch 2 went well and now its time for batch 3.
The first step is what I call - "the neighbors are going to think we're making meth in our backyard" - or what Chris would call - making the wart or something strange like that. Either way - it smells like ass and I'm glad when he is done doing whatever and its fermenting in a closed container.
I will keep you posted on LBC 3...