So I sllloooowwwwlllyyy get up - wait for Heidi to put on her shoes - I slowly walk to the car and I'm like - what is this? He is like - well just wait to see. So I get there - he pops the trunk - I lift it up and VAL IS HIDING IN THE TRUNK! She goes - "Surprise" and I jump back and make this really awkward scream - ha!

They totally got me! I was super excited and we just had a fantastic weekend - we went shopping - made some awesome meals and ate some great food - Val got to experience the bad customer service at our local grocery store - we saw the Lady Gaga meat dress at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame - we played games - including scrabble - which for the record - I won (and I'm faster at bed making too) and we played badminton in the backyard and no one got hurt this time - it was just an awesome weekend. It went by WAY too fast and I didn't take a single picture - NONE!
I miss Val already and wish she could just move in - hehe. Since we were playing games - best thing about Val is I think she may like games more than me :) - Heidi was all excited to see these games. Well - Heidi wanted to play Operation and honestly - she wasn't half bad - she would carefully get the piece out and when she got a piece out - she would take some of the money and put it in her purse - too cute. I snapped these quick photos - just to have SOMETHING for the weekend!

Once again - best weekend ever. Thank you for my BFF Val and Chris for pulling one over me and giving me the best surprise EVER!!!