We FINALLY used our neighborhood pool - I know - took until July - but its VERY nice - has a zero entry side - great for young kids - no steps or ladders to mess with. At first Heidi wasn't so sure - she wanted to sit on the pool's edge instead of be in the pool. Second hour - I convinced her to sit in the water towards the end and she eventually kept going deeper and deeper and then was walking around and then LOVED it. She asks to go every day and it helps that it is a block away. Prior to her pool experience - I asked her if she wanted swim lessons in the big pool and she goes "Oh, no thank you mommy, I like little pools". ha. Maybe I should ask her again...
This is Heidi modeling her swimsuit - well if you call this modeling - its more asking her to sit still for two seconds so I can get a shot. BTW - I just love the ruffle butt! Ha!

Moving onto beer - LBC 3 that is - Chris was disappointed that I didn't post an update on his beer. So here I go. LBC 3 - moved into the next step - no idea what it is - I call it that "siphon the beer into another container and leave all the vomit looking crap behind so you don't have chunky beer" stage. I think it has to cook for another 4 weeks before bottling and then who knows. I think his goal is to be able to bring it back when we go to Omaha in August. Lucky people in Omaha - I guess...

Heidi had a sick day last week - just a minor fever - it was gone in less than 24 hours and she was back. Chris stayed home to help wrangle and Heidi thought it was super cool to be home with us. I guess Heidi found her new favorite spot to watch TV.

OCD is back - Heidi has always liked lining things up - or placing things on something and in a row. She was busy playing and we realized she was at it again...this time with my office stationary. Funny.

OCD is back - Heidi has always liked lining things up - or placing things on something and in a row. She was busy playing and we realized she was at it again...this time with my office stationary. Funny.

Heidi was just being Heidi... (she looks tan - huh? Her Mexican is coming out! ) :)

Just when I think Chris is occupied with LBC 3 - he decided - why not start LBC 4 - yep another batch. He said he wanted to make a summer ale or some crap like that. I don't care what it is - it smells awful.

Tool. j/k

This weekend was a big weekend to us - it was time for the last Harry Potter movie. Since we do not have a babysitter and Chris didn't want to ask a co worker to watch Heidi so he could go see Harry Potter - we each went to the movie separate. Don't worry - I'm not going to spoil anything if you haven't seen it - I just suggest - go see it. It's amazing. Anyways - Heidi and I went shopping to pass the time while Chris was taking his turn at the movies. Went into H&M - which is turning out to be one of my favorite stores - stylish and inexpensive AND they have kids clothes now. What did I come across - why not a jersey knit sparkly Minnie Mouse dress - why yes - and how about fun Minnie Mouse leggings - why not? I think I just found Heidi's outfit to travel to Disney World. I'm usually not one to buy clothes with huge characters on them - but I thought this one was done nicely. Let's see - I think the count down is 87 days until Disney World??? We're getting excited!!!

Just when I think Chris is occupied with LBC 3 - he decided - why not start LBC 4 - yep another batch. He said he wanted to make a summer ale or some crap like that. I don't care what it is - it smells awful.

Tool. j/k
Chris taking in the aroma of the beer - I'm serious - it smells like old rotten vomit to me... that must appeal to Chris :)
Brewski watching Chris brew beer. Notice the new collar - for those of you who don't know - yes we got an invisible fence. I'm cruel and mean - but we had to do it. No one has fences around this place and everyone has an invisible fence. So far - I'm not a huge fan - but each day it is getting better. Poor Brew just likes to poop in the neighbor's yard and in the middle of him trying to find a perfect pooping spot - he gets shocked... We had a couple days of him not pooping - but he seemed to figure it out this weekend... I'm hoping it continues to get better and my dogs stop hating me :)

Brewski watching Chris brew beer. Notice the new collar - for those of you who don't know - yes we got an invisible fence. I'm cruel and mean - but we had to do it. No one has fences around this place and everyone has an invisible fence. So far - I'm not a huge fan - but each day it is getting better. Poor Brew just likes to poop in the neighbor's yard and in the middle of him trying to find a perfect pooping spot - he gets shocked... We had a couple days of him not pooping - but he seemed to figure it out this weekend... I'm hoping it continues to get better and my dogs stop hating me :)

This weekend was a big weekend to us - it was time for the last Harry Potter movie. Since we do not have a babysitter and Chris didn't want to ask a co worker to watch Heidi so he could go see Harry Potter - we each went to the movie separate. Don't worry - I'm not going to spoil anything if you haven't seen it - I just suggest - go see it. It's amazing. Anyways - Heidi and I went shopping to pass the time while Chris was taking his turn at the movies. Went into H&M - which is turning out to be one of my favorite stores - stylish and inexpensive AND they have kids clothes now. What did I come across - why not a jersey knit sparkly Minnie Mouse dress - why yes - and how about fun Minnie Mouse leggings - why not? I think I just found Heidi's outfit to travel to Disney World. I'm usually not one to buy clothes with huge characters on them - but I thought this one was done nicely. Let's see - I think the count down is 87 days until Disney World??? We're getting excited!!!