Heidi was all about dance! She went right in, did everything she was asked and had a ball. She must have been paying attention while she was just sitting last week because she knew how to do things the first time they were asked - the teacher even afterwards was like - she has a great memory and she was surprised she could do the moves.
The ONLY problem was now Heidi is almost TOO comfortable - she figured out she could lay on her belly and on the slick floor scoot backwards and thought it was super cool. Well then everyone was doing it.
We will need to remind Heidi to put her listening ears on for the next class :) I am just super happy she actually likes it and wants to do it!
Heidi and our neighbor kid Brynn - they are little buddies - its cute!

We finally went to the dentist - I say finally as it has been a very VERY long time for me and a pretty long time for Chris - so might as well go as a family. Heidi did great - actually really good - BUT she has two cavities - I could not believe it! I feel so bad for her. We have an appointment on Wednesday with a pediatric dentist to see what we can do. As for me, I have four cavities - yes four - but honestly - for the length I haven't been to the dentist - I'm surprised it isn't 20. That being said... this morning I went in to have two of them filled and not so successful...
Yes it is part mental and but also physical - the dentist asked if I felt numb and she was describing where I should feel numb and to be 100% honest - I was not numb where she said I should feel numb. Well she thought it was OK and proceeded anyways - she started to drill - a pain shot up my cheek and I was done. Done. I go back Friday to try again - and to be perfectly honest - my mouth didn't feel numb for another 20 minutes later - no lie. I remember why I hate the dentist - they are all mean and I think like to make you hurt. We will see how Friday goes...

Soccer was cancelled for the weekend due to the amount of rain we had the night before - so we played outside for a little bit. I wanted to take more pictures but Heidi didn't let me...

So - we were all decked out - ready to represent the Huskers - and decided to take some pictures...

Heidi being cute and showing some dance moves...

I gave Heidi one little miniature chocolate bar... I think she enjoyed it...

And now a funny story from the weekend... Chris made LBC 5 - I think we're up to 5 - which was going to be his Christmas or Holiday Ale. He has been hunting down a beer making kit for awhile now - like stores sell out within 5 minutes. He finally finds one and we are ready to go. Well he cooks it like he normally does and there is always a step with letting it cool down (no ice or anything). He always puts the pot of beer in our wash tub/utility sink in the laundry room. Well... we forget that is also the place Heidi puts her dirty laundry...
Heidi yelling at me to stop taking pictures...

So - we were all decked out - ready to represent the Huskers - and decided to take some pictures...

Heidi being cute and showing some dance moves...

I gave Heidi one little miniature chocolate bar... I think she enjoyed it...

And now a funny story from the weekend... Chris made LBC 5 - I think we're up to 5 - which was going to be his Christmas or Holiday Ale. He has been hunting down a beer making kit for awhile now - like stores sell out within 5 minutes. He finally finds one and we are ready to go. Well he cooks it like he normally does and there is always a step with letting it cool down (no ice or anything). He always puts the pot of beer in our wash tub/utility sink in the laundry room. Well... we forget that is also the place Heidi puts her dirty laundry...
Chris goes to check the temperature of the beer and sure enough Heidi's jeans are in the beer! Chris starts to laugh - I mean - you can't get mad when your child puts something where they are suppose to put something instead of throwing it on the ground.
So Heidi comes in and goes "Sorry daddy, I didn't know your beer was in there" Too cute.
Chris pulls her jeans out, we are all laughing and I'm like - aww - its adding to the flavor... but THEN... Heidi goes "I put my socks in there too, daddy can you get those out?" The socks were no where to be seen - they weren't found until the beer was strained.
Let's just say - Chris IS going to proceed with the beer - but this one may not be one for the general public or family... :)