Awkward smile - OK

So the teacher explains we have to wait for her classmates and then we will dance. I should have taken pictures - but Heidi was looking out the window and whenever anyone came she is like - "Is she going to do dance too?" Total the class has about seven 3 to 4 year olds in it. They all arrive - and the teacher is like - OK time for class. Heidi goes: "Come on mommy its time to dance" I'm like - OK go ahead and go in there - I will be right out here.
Problem 1: She thought was I going to dance too. Uh oh.
But she goes in and chooses a dot to stand on while everyone gets settled and the class begins. Everyone else kicks their leg or lifts their arms and Heidi is just standing there. Well she isn't participating. Then the class starts marching around in a circle kicking and the teacher takes her hand and tries to encourage her - she walks along but refuses to kick. They move to the next thing and the teachers tries to get her to do it and boom - TEARS. She gets escorted out of the room to me and I calm her down.
I let her watch through the window but she does not want to go back in. Our neighbor and her older daughter were out in the viewing area with me and even the 6 year old girl said she would go in with her and help her and nope - Heidi wanted nothing to do with it. 40 minutes of trying to get her to go - you can go and sit on the bench - Minnie Mouse likes to dance - etc etc - every mom trying to help too. Nothing.
I let her watch through the window but she does not want to go back in. Our neighbor and her older daughter were out in the viewing area with me and even the 6 year old girl said she would go in with her and help her and nope - Heidi wanted nothing to do with it. 40 minutes of trying to get her to go - you can go and sit on the bench - Minnie Mouse likes to dance - etc etc - every mom trying to help too. Nothing.
Then the assistant teacher comes out and asks Heidi is she wants to sit on her lap as the class does somersaults and stretches and she is like OK. Win!
Heidi sits on the assistant teacher's lap - and was giggling and laughing. They asked if she wants to try and she pops up - and goes yes - well when the teacher tried to get her to do a somersault - we started to have melt down #2. So they stopped that - had her sit down with the assistant teacher and moved on. She at least stayed in the room for the last 15 minutes of class. Didn't do anything but sit and watch. At the end - they got one toe point out of her. One.
At the end - they gave everyone a sucker and a sticker and Heidi came out of the class as happy as a lamb. I - had completely pitted out my shirt and was sweating tremendously. Did not prepare myself for that amount of stress for 9am in the morning on a Saturday.
We went home and Heidi said she was all ready for dance next week and she said she was going to try. We went through some of the things the class learned at home (hoping they won't be as scary next time) and well... who knows. We will see this weekend how it goes...I will remember to wear more deodorant :)
Moving on - This was our first Husker game in Ohio - so we had to get all Huskered out to watch the game at the local sports bar and grill. Dress made by the cool Jessica. http://www.etsy.com/shop/pinkdreamsofmine