First up - we have mentioned a few times that Heidi likes to line things up - well she does it ALL THE TIME!. She was so proud of herself for lining up her cars and trains...

She is so proud...
Daddy had a sweet tooth and decided to run by a Dairy Queen and pick up a few items. Besides a good ole Dilly Bar - I'm unfamiliar with these novelty treats from DQ - one being a cherry star bar or star kiss or something like that - I took one lick of the star bar and thought I licked the inside of a frosting container - not my cup of tea - but Heidi loved it!

Next -we're being attacked by aliens from outer space!!! No? I'm a dork - whatever - anyways - we were being attacked by Yellow Jackets - aka - small wasps that are aggressive! I knew we have some bees or whatever - but then one day when I went out for my walk - I had some follow me for two houses - hmm - then I'm sure Brew got stung and then on the front of the house - I kept hearing noises that I thought was bugs hitting the window - then I realized it was wasps - going into a hole in the wood and hitting the inside of our wall - so not cool. Time to call the exterminator - I couldn't help but take pictures as the poor guy had to put on a whole bee suit - and he needed it - he even said it was a pretty big nest by our tree! They even sprayed down our whole house - I was AMAZED at the number of dead spiders and bugs around our house - SO GROSS!

Moving on... for school Heidi had to decorate a poster with her favorite things - from family to friends to toys. I helped of course - but she picked out every picture and told me where to glue it and she added all the sparkles! One side note - yes - some family members did not make the poster - it isn't that she doesn't love you - but as I encouraged her to have everyone - she told me there wasn't going to be enough room for Thomas the Train and Bob the Builder.

Ready and...

Last week she got a F - this week a C... First half of the class - she sat in a chair with the assistant - didn't want to participate - had one quick crying session - but calmed down - but at least she was IN the room... Then they pulled out the mats to do tumbling and stretching and Heidi pops out of the chair and wants to go! YEAH! She participated through the rest of the class! So there is hope! I was able to get two shots - sorry - we were looking through a one way mirror and couldn't use the flash - but you get the point.

So just when Heidi was getting use to an activity - why not throw another one on top of that - ha... well we did... soccer! Right after dance - we did a quick change and she was ready to go. At least this time - daddy was there with her almost the entire time to help. She did pretty good and actually participated.

Sunday was such a beautiful day - 70 degrees, sunny, slight breeze - we had to take advantage and go to the zoo. Before we went, I asked Heidi to smile for the camera... a good one...

Onto the zoo... watching the elephants cross, flamingos, monkeys, polar bears and more...

Quick photo break...

Last week she got a F - this week a C... First half of the class - she sat in a chair with the assistant - didn't want to participate - had one quick crying session - but calmed down - but at least she was IN the room... Then they pulled out the mats to do tumbling and stretching and Heidi pops out of the chair and wants to go! YEAH! She participated through the rest of the class! So there is hope! I was able to get two shots - sorry - we were looking through a one way mirror and couldn't use the flash - but you get the point.

So just when Heidi was getting use to an activity - why not throw another one on top of that - ha... well we did... soccer! Right after dance - we did a quick change and she was ready to go. At least this time - daddy was there with her almost the entire time to help. She did pretty good and actually participated.

Sunday was such a beautiful day - 70 degrees, sunny, slight breeze - we had to take advantage and go to the zoo. Before we went, I asked Heidi to smile for the camera... a good one...
And what I typically get... I don't know what she is doing...

Onto the zoo... watching the elephants cross, flamingos, monkeys, polar bears and more...

Quick photo break...

And one last goofy story from the weekend and sorry no pictures from it (probably a good thing) - Heidi pooped and of course had us come look at it and her poop broke up into three chunks, a big one, medium one and a small one and Heidi goes: "Look... a daddy poop, a mommy poop, and a baby poop." Ha.