Here is Heidi all ready for the road trip!

We had a nice dog bed all set up in the front seat for Taco and his bum leg - but nope - he wanted MY pillow and to take the room next to me. So I did not have a pillow for the trip - its OK - but the dog farts I could have done without.

Taken with my cell phone - both sound asleep - Brew was asleep up front - but I didn't get a picture.

Now this is where the pictures get random... With Grandpa Jeff and Nana - had to run some errands at Target.

Then we stopped at the Gonzales household and wouldn't you guess - Brett and Chris are dressed like twins...

Grandma Gonzales

Heidi enjoying her new drink cup.

Sunday night after a nice day of golfing - side note - I had the brilliant idea to walk and carry my clubs - let's just say I was one pooped lady - then I remembered - hey the last time I walked and carried my bag for 18 holes was when I WAS 18... So sad... Anyways, Matt and Christina gave Chris the best birthday present ever - a Mexican themed mickey mouse hat and a Disney World fanny pack!!! I can't wait to go and see Chris rock the fanny pack the whole time!!!

For Grandpa Jeff's birthday - we got crafty and made some shirts - my favorite - an iron-on of a 5th grade picture of Chris. Chris tried to recreate the moment...

One of the nights there we were able to have a reunion with our neighbors and the three girls who are all born weeks apart. Its always fun to see them change!

Kendall holding our neighbor's baby girl - Kendall was in HEAVEN! I think she really likes babies!

My mom is going to kill me for this one - sorry Grandma Babs - BUT it is the ONLY picture I have of her and its her yelling at me for TAKING a picture. I thought it was fitting. Thanks to Grandma Babs and Grandpa Darrell for hosting us once again. Sorry my dog's smell, sorry Taco puked on your couch, Sorry Chris' farts stink and sorry for kidnapping your basement for over a week!

Moving on... Uncle Bob reading a story to Heidi.

Heidi in her first Husker dress - I say first because while in Omaha - daddy ran and got a new dress that she wore the rest of the day - plus - I didn't want her to get anything on this dress yet...

I don't think modeling is in her future...

Grandpa Darrell and Heidi - watching a movie in the car while Chris and I ran in the house to get some stuff before our next stop on the visit tour...

We were lucky enough to watch the Husker game at Anne and Dean's house - Ayla and Heidi get a long great and they had a blast together. They completely entertained each other the whole time. I wish I would have snapped some more pictures - but come on - the game was on and Dean made wingy!