So update in the Gonzales household; we are a household of issues...
1. Chris - He is just getting off his Z-pack with a sinus infection, he hopes to be 100% soon...
2. Me - I swear I have been sick for the last three months and my doctor agrees - he is running out of meds he can give me - cat scan last Wednesday showed I had issues with two sinus cavities and I'm currently on an antibiotic and got even sicker this weekend - is that even possible? On my way to a specialist...
3. Heidi - she has a sinus infection too - poor girl - her nose is running like crazy and she coughs so bad - she is in good spirits though - which is good. She is on an antibiotic too and I'm hoping it kicks in soon!
4. Taco - Last week Taco had an accident in the house (which he NEVER does) and we noticed blood in his urine - so we took him in - looks like he has a large bladder stone that needs to be removed surgically - the surgery is scheduled for this Friday...$$$$
5. Brewski - I knew Brew had a double ear infection, he gets them all the time, so I figured bring him in with Taco and get the meds. I mentioned to the Doctor that Brew has started to drink a ton of water. The doc decided to check him out just in case... an hour or so later - Brew was announced as serious condition with high blood sugar and has diabetes. We had to start insulin that night and now have to give him shots twice a day. We have been to the Vet 3 out of the last 4 days and will continue to go back until he mellows out. To give you an idea of how high he was - his glucose level read at 363 and when I asked where he should be - they said between 80 and 120... yikes!
So Kharma is not working in our favor right now in the Gonzales household... let's just hope November is better than October has been!