Monday, August 8, 2011

LBC 4 & Dance Party!

Beer anyone? LBC 4 is ready! I believe it is a summer ale - and my one little sip tells me its spicy and not my kind of beer. :) Chris enjoyed it, which is good and he plans to share his creation when we travel back to Omaha for a visit in the next couple of weeks. LBC 3 is still cooking/fermenting but according to Brewer Chris - it should be really in a week or so... Friday was International Beer day or something like that - it was only fitting that we cracked one of his beers. He said this summer ale has like lemon and bitter orange in it or something - which is two strikes against me - most people know how much I hate lemons - don't you dare put one in my water and oranges better not come within 10 feet of me - so it was destined to not be my beer. I have faith in LBC 3 as it is more of a German Lager...

Drive by mooning - actually - she does this whenever she poops on the potty - we are going on 8 weeks of NO ACCIDENTS!!! Next step - no overnight diapers - they are always dry in the morning - so should be soon!!!

Dance Party USA - Heidi loves when we play our iTunes through the computer and likes to dance just the same. And yes - no pants - once again - we're home - her pants go missing...

Heidi controlling the volume...

Look at Brewski at the bottom of the picture - he was just laying there the whole time while she bounced around - didn't budge once... I say he is pretty use to being bumped into - it doesn't even phase him... :)

And why not end the dance party with a basket on your head - it's how I always did it in College (j/k - I think...)