Monday, May 14, 2018

Mother's Day & Peter Pan

Busy week and weekend for sure! It was Mother's Day and did get to be a lazy bum on Sunday. It was too wet to play golf - so we watched movies and I made Lucy a school costume - we'll get to that in a moment.

Mother's Day means a busy week prior. We had Mother's Day mass with Heidi at school and then I had a lunch event with Lucy. Then after all that - I had to pick Heidi up on time at school so she could get ready for her musical Peter Pan Jr.! Don't worry - I bought the DVD - so grandparents can watch next time we come in town!

Heidi was a lost boy and was so cute! She is such a performer and is natural on stage. I was really impressed! She thought it was fun to wear all the makeup - but complained that it itched after awhile - ha!

Random... Chris got his new license plates - classy! Look it up on Urban Dictionary - nothing bad - just funny!

Well - as of Thursday night - there was no cast party planned for all the cast and crew of Peter Pan Jr. The 4th grade moms jump into action and we put a pretty darn good last minute party together. I made stars with everyone's names, we had plenty of food and sweets, photo booth, karaoke, decorations, fun in the gym etc. It was a good time! I would taken more pictures, but my phone was used for music through the PA system.

I'm telling you - the girls loved the make up. Like loved it. 

Two nights in a row of performing and then ending with a party until 11pm... the kids (and parents) were worn out!

And the only thing I accomplished yesterday on Mother's Day... I made Lucy's costume for Letter People day - introducing F for Foot. hehe.