Tuesday, April 16, 2019

The Weekend

We had another great weekend. It was nicer weather, so the kids are outside more. I think Heidi rode her bike about every day. The neighbor kids are coming out to play and overall we are excited for summer!

We ran our final errands before our vacation and I had to go to Sephora for some eye liner. Lucy came with me and WAS.IN.HEAVEN! She loved it - so much. Then when she figured out you can try some of the makeup (the worker showed her how) - she was hooked. She can't wait to go back and had the whole store in stitches. She was even helping customers pick out shades and they all bought what she recommended - seriously. She even asked if she could have her birthday party there. Ha. It was so funny watching her own that store.

We leave tomorrow for Disney!!! SO excited! We are packed and ready to go! Just ened to get through the last couple days of work!