And just like that another weekend is done. I don't even know what we did this weekend - really nothing. Chris injured his back and then I think he got food poisoning... he ate some questionable chicken from Panera on Friday and had an immediate reaction that continued to the next morning. For safety we quarantined him because you never know with symptoms these days if its something else or that darn COVID! By Sunday we looked normal again and just had his sore back. I think we are in the clear but I didn't some extra cleaning and ran the air purifiers a little more just in case.
Because Chris was out for the count, we didn't do much. We watched movies and just were bums (besides the household chores)... I don't have a ton of pictures..
Lucy's gym assignments are always interesting. She had to catch clothes. Okay - I'll whipped clothes at my kid and take pictures... not sure how that is gym but it is quick and easy - I'm not going to argue.
Just school, volleyball and a heating pad on Chris' back for this week!