We finished our regular-season games for volleyball and it was fun. We played well and ended on a high note. Now we are waiting for the playoffs schedule. Heidi still can't play but she is practicing and warming up with us. It also helps that some of the other 8th graders came and cheered us on!
Lucy before cheer - she has this joke that when she has too much stuff, she says she is our good friend's mom - Jenn... Jenn always has like 4 bags and coffee and whatever...
The stairs and garden walls have started. There is a lot to still do but they are looking good! By how long these are taking, there is no way we will get our pavilion this year, but we will survive just the same!
Ending with random dog pictures - of them being funny and naughty... always messing up Chris' side of the bed and randomly getting into things!