Monday, February 21, 2022


We have entered weird weather - it would warm up - snow- warm up and snow... The kids didn't have school Friday or Monday and I think they would have had a snow day last Friday because of ice!

Heidi enjoyed the snow with the boys...

Sleepy Remy...

2022 volleyball pictures are out...she looks WAY too grown up in this picture!

No cavities for Heidi.

We went shopping for Valentine's Day this weekend and the girls were trying to earn as much money as possible... Heidi actually cleared the driveway! 

My Valentine's gift finally arrived for Chris - Cheesecake from Juniors in New York...

We have a tradition of getting dinner Friday nights - we get a beer - wait for food and relax a little... They are like mini-dates.

Heidi's yard sign finally arrived! We did our best to take pictures in front of it but it was about 15 degrees, bright and windy!

The Mickey art piece is on the wall! 

Lucy had a birthday party for one of her friends at Play we all went. Heidi had fun running around and Lucy did too! The only pictures I have of Lucy are from far away this week - she is in black pants and a light purple shirt!

Here is Heidi climbing the pole!

Lucy on the L.

Lucy on the C

And finally, little Rizzo has discovered the coziness of laundry baskets...