Monday, September 12, 2022

High School is in full swing...

We are preparing for Heidi's homecoming dance and did a marathon of dress shopping on Saturday. We tried on close to 100 dresses from 7 different stores and finally found the one. Warning - tight and short is in... We luckily found one that is stretchy and doesn't ride up when she walks.

Random photo of Lucy...

Of course, there is more volleyball! We have games twice a week and will have games twice a week through October! Heidi had a fantastic game versus Lakewood. She scored 13 points in a row serving and had 5 kill shots from the backrow. Their team is figuring things out and it has been fun to watch!

We decided our Friday night entertainment was to go to the high school football game. It was a beautiful day and night.

Here is Heidi's dress. Believe it or not, there was one of the longer ones we tried on. She looks really adorable in it. We purchased some new shoes and now she still needs to find a date (she is going to go no matter what). There is a prospect for a date and Heidi hopes to be asked this week but this fellow. :)

The weather was beautiful, so we watched Husker football on the patio and enjoyed a nice fire.

 This week is more volleyball but also Lucy finally starts her acting and dance classes! Big week!