Tuesday, February 21, 2023


We had our first three-day tournament for the year! For Saturday and Sunday, we didn't have to be there until 1:30, which was a nice break from 7am arrivals. The girls played their hearts out and over those tow days - didn't lose a single set and went 6 - 0. They were amazing!

Monday they were fighting for the championship match and unfortunately lost! Boo! They ended up 3rd overall which is still awesome. Heidi wanted a medal and missed it by 1 position! 

Back tracking a little... Heidi had her new boy she is "talking" to over and Lucy was doing a good job of supervising  and bugging them :)

It was also Valentine's Day! Heidi received her presents early, but Lucy opened her and loved them! Now we just need to squeeze in time to write thank yous! :)

And now random volleyball pictures... Heidi is somewhere in these. 

Side note - biggest pro of having the afternoon wave - the parents want to have some adult beverages during the breaks! This bar was packed like a college bar and cheering got a little louder afterwards.

This is after they swept both pool days for 6 - 0 - very proud!

We just have two little days of school, work, and trip prepping and then we are off to Orlando for some Disney and more volleyball! Big week for sure!