Wednesday, April 3, 2024


A little different of an Easter weekend, but a good one. We decided not to travel anywhere as a family, so I took the opportunity to travel back to Omaha. Chris held down the fort with the girls and dogs as I helped my mom and Darrell.

We joked that Remy was depressed while I was gone and I have to say, he has been very clingy today.

Chris kept the girls entertained as they are on Spring Break with crafts, movies, and other things.

Poor Remy - hahaha

Random, but Heidi was selected to be photographed for school! It was on their social media and I bet other things soon!

16 year old Macey

I did fly out on my birthday and had a lovely meal at Stellas in Omaha and of course Mings for dinner. 

Though I mainly stayed with mom and Darrell to help, I did sneak out one evening to hang with Val!

We went through old photo albums and found some gems!

It helps to run errands as a crew and I tried to have Darrell have some fun!

We finally know the name of the game - Spite and Malice. I don't know if we play 100% to the rules, but we have been playing the same for years!!!

I did a quick hello for Easter at my dad house for another delicious meal.

And we actually went to Easter church too. Kendall modeling Babs' purse.

On Easter, we tried to make some food and did an Easter egg hunt too... Maybe we hid the eggs for the teenagers a little too hard... whoops, but they were all found, eventually. 

Lucy took over my spot in bed for a few nights...

It was a quick trip but good. We will officially be back as a family in June/July and can make the more normal rounds. The girls are finishing up their Spring Break, we are traveling for volleyball this weekend, and the solar eclipse is on Monday! Busy Busy!