Monday, May 20, 2024

Family Time


We all voted and Chris should NOT wear these glasses with this haircut. He looks like he owns a windowless van and wants to ask you to pet his puppy...

Anyways - these pictures are always a little out of order, but Chris fixed the hole! We had our basketball hoop cut down (by a bunch of drunk neighbors) and then it sat there for a while. We tried to get our concrete guy to help us and after a few no-shows, we decided it needed to get taken care of before our Memorial Day party. I'm sure our neighbors loved us with a jack-hammer at 9am on a Sunday!

Oh Lucy...

Lucy is all about volleyball and so far Heidi has been very patient in teaching her.

We all went to the new IFs movie. Everyone loved it. It is different than what I thought it was, but better than expected. It makes you cry just to warn you~

Lucy trying on some of Heidi's old shoes and knee pads in prep for her volleyball camp!

And lastly, Remy has been super itchy and has an ear infection - so off to the vet. Turns out, he is allergic to pollen and is on some meds, but we have to go back to get a more permanent solution. We will see...