Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Back to School

Lucy is finally back to school! We have a 6th grader! This is a big year, so it will be interesting to see how it goes. She will have to manage her school computer and basically all her assignments herself.

We were at the school on Sunday for a game and the festival and we didn't realize Heidi's name was put on a plaque for the CYO sports scholarship she received.

We had our neighborhood Fantasy Football draft and it was fun! Chris bought a new hot dog roller and it ended up being perfect. The hotdogs from the roller were literally perfect!

It was a fun evening with our friends. Side note - Lucy might be taller than Jenn now! She is growing fast! She is creeping up on 5 feet for sure!

Since we did simple food, like hot dogs, chips etc - I decided to wear my best - some very old jean capris and this lovely t-shirt I picked up from Wal-Mart. I cut the tassels myself. Keeping it classy.

Lucy had one more playdate with Ella before school. I only took a couple of quick pictures as they played balloon volleyball. 

This week is a very busy week of prepping for vacation and general school. Heidi also got hired at Raisin' Canes and we are excited to see how she does in her first job!